Designed for students from 1st grade through 3rd grade, this FREE STEAM-based Intro to Weather Unit Study for early elementary students includes age-related science topics such as comparing weather to climate, types of clouds, stages of the water cycle, predicting weather, extreme weather, and more.


Intro to Weather Unit Study

August 24, 2024

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Intro to Weather Free Early Elementary Homeschool Unit Study


Welcome to The Family Years – Early Elementary Intro to Weather Unit Study! This FREE STEAM-based unit study includes age-related science topics such as comparing weather to climate, types of clouds, stages of the water cycle, predicting weather, extreme weather, and more.

Designed for students from 1st grade through 3rd grade, children will explore weather through engaging texts, videos, and hands-on activities and experiments. The unit study is designed to touch on specific weather topics each week at a moderate pace.

Each week includes a daily reading out of the textbook(s), a topic-based video, and at least one experiment or activity. At this speed, it will take approximately 7 weeks to complete. As with the other free homeschooling unit studies offered on our site, you are encouraged to go at your own pace, but a 4-day curriculum example is included with each section.

Combine this unit study with our FREE 6-Week Early Elementary Intro to Geology Unit Study for a complete Planet Earth curriculum.

Intro to Weather Textbooks

The early elementary Intro to Weather Unit Study uses two main textbooks, DK’s What’s the Weather?: Clouds, Climate, and Global Warming by Fraser and Judith Ralston and The Secret Signs of Nature by Craig Cuadill. These books can be purchased from the links below or check your local library for titles that you may not be interested in purchasing at this time.

This curriculum also comes with an optional free printable worksheet that covers the entirety of the curriculum. You can print out your copy here.

We are excited that you have chosen to learn alongside us and hope you and your family enjoy this homeschool early elementary Intro to Weather Unit Study!

Are you currently doing our Intro to Weather Unit Study? BOOKMARK THIS PAGE or SAVE THE PDF for easy access to video and activity links!

Please note, The Family Years homeschooling Intro to Weather Unit Study is copyrighted and for personal use only.



Optional Weather Books and Activity Kits

Want to dive in deeper? Check out these additional science books to further enrich your Homeschool Early Elementary Intro to Weather Unit Study!


  1. STEM Starters for Kids – Meteorology Activity Book (Ages 6 – 10)
  2. My First Book About Weather (Dover Science for Kids Coloring Books)
  3. Weather Experiments for Kids
  4. Professor Figgy’s Weather & Climate Science Lab for Kids








How long does the unit study take to complete?

Our unit studies are designed to be self-paced, but when covering one section per week, the Intro to Weather Unit Study should take about 7 weeks to complete.

What age range is best for the Intro to Weather Unit Study?

The Intro to Weather Unit Study was created for students in 1st Grade through 3rd Grade and is best suited for kids aged seven through ten.

Do you have to buy ALL the recommended materials?

We would highly recommend purchasing both of the main textbooks since they are used each week. They are also great resources for your home library. To save money, you can check your local library and see what is available to borrow or consider purchasing the books secondhand. The additional resources are completely optional.

Is the Intro to Weather Unit Study really free?

The Intro to Weather Unit Study is completely free. Most of the books included can be found at your local library and the bulk of the activities can be completed with items you already have around the house.


  • Students will learn about how Earth’s relationship to the sun relates to the weather.
  • Students will examine how weather and climate differ.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – Hot or Cold? (p. 6 – 7), The Secret Signs of Nature – Let the summer sun illuminate the way (p. 44 – 45)

Watch – Current Events

Day 2

Read – Geology for Kids – Through the Year (p. 8 – 9), The Secret Signs of Nature – Predict the changing seasons by tracking migrating animals (p. 34 – 35)

Watch – Seasons and the Sun

Day 3

Read – What’s the Weather? – Predicting Weather (p. 12 – 13), The Secret Signs of Nature – Watch a huddle of sheep to forecast the weather (p. 40 – 41)

Watch – How Do We Know When it Will Rain?

Day 4

Activity – Make a weather journal and track the weather each day

What’s the Weather?

  • Hot or Cold? (p. 6 – 7)
  • Through the Year (p. 8 – 9)
  • Predicting Weather (p. 12 – 13)

The Secret Signs of Nature

  • Let the summer sun illuminate the way (p. 44 – 45)
  • Predict the changing seasons by tracking migrating animals (p. 34 – 35)
  • Watch a huddle of sheep to forecast the weather (p. 40 – 41)


  • Students will learn about climates and microclimates.
  • Students will learn about types of clouds.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – Inventions (p. 44 – 45), The Secret Signs of Nature – Predict a rain shower by connecting with your senses (p. 10 – 11)

Watch – Weather Tools & Instruments

Day 2

Read – What’s the Weather? – Around the World / City Microclimates (p. 14 – 15; 38 – 39)

Watch – Climate Zones for Kids

Day 3

Read – What’s the Weather? – Clouds (p. 16 – 17)

Watch – Types of Clouds

Day 4

Activity – Make a DIY Weather Station

What’s the Weather?

  • Inventions (p. 44 – 45)
  • Around the World / City Microclimates (p. 14 – 15; 38 – 39)
  • Clouds (p. 16 – 17)

The Secret Signs of Nature

  • Predict a rain shower by connecting with your senses (p. 10 – 11)


  • Students will learn about each step in the water cycle.
  • Students will learn about fog and wind.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – The Water Cycle (p. 18 – 19), The Secret Signs of Nature – Observe a rainbow to decipher its message (p. 4 – 5)

*Scientists have differing views regarding where water comes from. This is a good topic to investigate further and discuss with your student(s).

Watch – Where Does Water Come From?

Day 2

Read – What’s the Weather? – Fog (p. 48 – 49), The Secret Signs of Nature – Find your way with a puddle (p. 22 – 23)

Watch – Where Does Fog Come From?

Day 3

Read – The Secret Signs of Nature – Use the shapes of dunes to determine the wind’s direction (p. 12 – 13, Listen to the wind and watch the leaves fall (p. 24 – 25)

*Both of these are on wind. You could read one or both if you have the time.

Watch – Where Does Wind Come From?

Day 4

Activity – Water Cycle in a Bag

What’s the Weather?

  • The Water Cycle (p. 18 – 19)
  • Fog (p. 48 – 49)

The Secret Signs of Nature

  • Observe a rainbow to decipher its message (p. 4 – 5)
  • Find your way with a puddle (p. 22 – 23)
  • Use the shapes of dunes to determine the wind’s direction (p. 12 – 13)
  • Listen to the wind and watch the leaves fall (p. 24 – 25)


  • Students will learn about thunderstorms.
  • Students will learn about extreme weather, including tornadoes.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – Making Waves (p. 60 – 61), The Secret Signs of Nature – Trail the swell of the sea (p. 14 – 15)

Watch – What are Waves?

Day 2

Read – What’s the Weather? – Thunderstorms (p. 20 – 21), The Secret Signs of Nature – Look up at the clouds to predict a thunderstorm (p. 6 – 7)

Watch – What Causes Thunder and Lightning?

Day 3

Read – What’s the Weather? – Huge Storms / Tornadoes (p. 22 – 23; 58 – 59)

Watch – Severe Weather

Day 4

Activity – DIY Tornado in a Jar

What’s the Weather?

  • Making Waves (p. 60 – 61)
  • Thunderstorms (p. 20 – 21)
  • Huge Storms / Tornadoes (p. 22 – 23; 58 – 59)

The Secret Signs of Nature

  • Trail the swell of the sea (p. 14 – 15)
  • Look up at the clouds to predict a thunderstorm (p. 6 – 7)


  • Students will learn about types of droughts.
  • Students will learn about animals that have specific characteristics that make them weatherproof.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – Drought / Ash Particles (p. 36 – 37; 40 – 41)

Watch – Drought

Day 2

Read – What’s the Weather? – Weatherproof Animals (p. 56 – 57), The Secret Signs of Nature – Locate water in a desert (p. 20 – 21)

Watch – Deserts 101

Day 3

Read – What’s the Weather? – In the Rainforest (p. 50 – 51), The Secret Signs of Nature – Locate a spiderweb to catch the wind (p. 38 – 39)

Watch – Rainforests 101

Day 4

Activity – Make a rainforest or desert diorama

What’s the Weather?

  • Drought / Ash Particles (p. 36 – 37; 40 – 41)
  • Weatherproof Animals (p. 56 – 57)
  • In the Rainforest (p. 50 – 51)

The Secret Signs of Nature

  • Locate water in a desert (p. 20 – 21)
  • Locate a spiderweb to catch the wind (p. 38 – 39)


  • Students will learn what the greenhouse effect is and how it relates to weather on Earth.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – The Greenhouse Effect / Heating Up (p. 30 – 33)

Watch – What is the Greenhouse Effect?

Day 2

Read – What’s the Weather? – Heatwaves / Big Freezes / Record Breakers (p. 42 – 43; 52 – 53)

Watch – Weather on the Go: Heatwaves

Day 3

Read – What’s the Weather? – The Weather News / Weird Weather (p. 46 – 47; 54 – 55)

Watch – 20 Strangest Weather Phenomena That Actually Exist

Day 4

Activity – Make a S’mores Solar Oven

What’s the Weather?

  • The Greenhouse Effect / Heating Up (p. 30 – 33)
  • Heatwaves / Big Freezes / Record Breakers (p. 42 – 43; 52 – 53)
  • The Weather News / Weird Weather (p. 46 – 47; 54 – 55)


  • Students will learn about snow and the ice age.
  • Students will learn about different sources of energy.

Day 1

Read – What’s the Weather? – Snow / Ice Age (p. 24 – 29); The Secret Signs of Nature – Study snow to find your bearings (p. 8 – 9)

Watch – Where do Snowflakes Come From?

Day 2

Read – What’s the Weather? – Early Weather / Planetary Weather (p. 10 – 11; 66 – 67); The Secret Signs of Nature – Learn to read a full moon (p. 46 – 47)

Watch – Weather in Space (the Rocky Planets)

Day 3

Read – What’s the Weather? – Weather Power / Future Weather / Making Changes (p. 34 – 35; 62 – 65); The Secret Signs of Nature – Keep discovering nature’s signs everyday (p. 44 – 45)

Watch – What are Sources of Energy?

Day 4

Activity – The Power of Sunlight!

What’s the Weather?

  • Snow / Ice Age (p. 24 – 29)
  • Early Weather / Planetary Weather (p. 10 – 11; 66 – 67)
  • Weather Power / Future Weather / Making Changes (p. 34 – 35, 62 – 65)

The Secret Signs of Nature

  • Study snow to find your bearings (p. 8 – 9)
  • Learn to read a full moon (p. 46 – 47)
  • Keep discovering nature’s signs everyday (p. 44 – 45)

