Designed for students from 2nd grade through 4th grade, this FREE STEAM-based Intro to Geology Unit Study for early elementary students includes geology topics such as Earth’s structure, plate tectonics, landforms, the water cycle, the rock cycle, types of rocks and minerals, and more.


Intro to Geology Unit Study

July 24, 2024

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Free Early Elementary Geology Homeschool Unit Study


Welcome to The Family Years – Intro to Geology Unit Study! This FREE STEAM-based unit study for early elementary students includes geology topics such as Earth’s structure, plate tectonics, landforms, the water cycle, the rock cycle, types of rocks and minerals, and more.

Designed for students from 2nd grade through 4th grade, children will explore geology through engaging texts, videos, and hands-on activities and experiments. The unit study is designed to touch on specific geology topics each week at a moderate pace.

Each week includes a daily reading out of the textbooks, a topic-based video, and at least one experiment or activity. At this speed, it will take approximately 6 weeks to complete. As with the other free homeschooling unit studies offered on our site, you are encouraged to go at your own pace, but a 4-day curriculum example is included with each section.

Combine this unit study with our FREE 6-Week Early Elementary Intro to Weather Unit Study for a complete Planet Earth curriculum.

Intro to Geology Textbooks

The Early Elementary Intro to Geology Unit Study uses two main textbooks, Geology for Kids and Everyday STEM Science – Geology.  There is also an optional picture book used in week two titled, The Top of the World – Climbing Mount Everest by Steve Jenkins. These books can be purchased from the links below or check your local library for titles that you may not be interested in purchasing at this time.

This curriculum also comes with an optional free printable worksheet that covers the entirety of the curriculum. You can print out your copy here.

We are excited that you have chosen to learn alongside us and hope you and your family enjoy this homeschool early elementary Intro to Geology Unit Study!

Are you currently doing our Intro to Geology Unit Study? BOOKMARK THIS PAGE or SAVE THE PDF for easy access to video and activity links!

Please note, The Family Years homeschooling Intro to Geology Unit Study is copyrighted and for personal use only.



Optional Geology Books and Activity Kits

Want to dive in deeper? Check out these additional science books to further enrich your Homeschool Early Elementary Intro to Geology Unit Study!


  1. STEM Starters for Kids – Geology Activity Book (Ages 6 – 10)
  2. Geology Activity Book for Kids
  3. Geology Lab for Kids: 52 Projects to Explore Rocks, Gems, Geodes, Crystals, Fossils, and Other Wonders of the Earth’s Surface








How long does the unit study take to complete?

Our unit studies are designed to be self-paced, but when covering one section per week, the Intro to Geology Unit Study should take about 6 weeks to complete.

What age range is best for the Intro to Geology Unit Study?

The Intro to Geology Unit Study was created for students in 2nd Grade through 4th Grade, but we believe is best suited for kids aged eight through eleven.

Do you have to buy ALL the recommended books?

We would highly recommend purchasing both of the main textbooks since they are used each week. They are also great resources for your home library. To save money, you can check your local library and see what is available to borrow or consider purchasing the books secondhand.

Is the Intro to Geology Unit Study really free?

The Intro to Geology Unit Study is completely free. Most of the books included can be found at your local library and the bulk of the activities can be completed with items you already have around the house.


  • Students will learn about the study of geology, as well as geologist’s jobs and tools.
  • Students will learn about Earth’s changes including the Earth’s structure and plate tectonics.

Day 1

Read – Geology for Kids – What is Geology? (p. 1 – 2),
Everyday STEM – What is Geology? Bio James Hutton, Geologist’s Tools, Geologists Jobs (p. 4 – 7)

Watch – Solving Mysteries with Archaeologists

Activity – Make a home geologist’s toolbox

Day 2

Read – Geology for Kids – An Ever-Changing Planet (p. 3 – 5),
Everyday STEM – Plate Tectonics (p. 22 – 23)

Watch – What is Pangaea & Plate Tectonics?

Activity – Geology for Kids – Dig Deeper (p. 6 – 7)

Day 3

Read – Everyday STEM – Earth’s Structure (p. 12 – 13),
Geology for Kids – Digging Deep (p. 8 – 13)

Watch – Structure of the Earth

Day 4

Activity – Earth Model Experiment

Geology for Kids

  • What is Geology? (p. 1 – 2)
  • An Ever-Changing Planet (p. 3 – 5)
  • Digging Deep (p. 8 – 13)

Everyday STEM Science – Geology

  • What is Geology? (p. 4 – 7)
  • Plate Tectonics (p. 22 – 23)
  • Earth’s Structure (p. 12 – 13)
  • Make a Home Geologist’s Toolbox – Geology for Kids (p. 6)
  • Earth Model Experiment – Geology for Kids (p. 14 – 15)


  • Students will learn about Earth’s landforms including mountains, hills, valleys, canyons, plateaus, plains, and deserts.
  • Students will learn about volcanoes and earthquakes.

Day 1

Read – Geology for Kids – On the Surface | Mountains and Hills (p. 17 – 21)
*Optional Read – The Top of the World: Climbing Mount Everest

Watch – Where do Mountains Come From?

Day 2

Read – Geology for Kids – Valleys and Canyons | Plateaus | Plains | Deserts (p. 22 – 25)

Watch – Types of Landforms

Day 3

Read – Geology for Kids – Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and More | Volcanoes (p. 29 – 33),
Everyday STEM – Monitoring a Volcano (p. 28 – 29)

Watch – Drones Sacrificed for Spectacular Volcano Video

Day 4

Activity – Volcano in a Bowl Experiment

Geology for Kids

  • On the Surface | Mountains and Hills (p. 17 – 21)
  • Valleys and Canyons | Plateaus | Plains | Deserts (p. 22 – 25)
  • Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and More (p. 29 – 33)

Everyday STEM Science – Geology

  • Monitoring a Volcano (p. 28 – 29)

Picture Books

  • Volcano in a Bowl Experiment – Geology for Kids (p. 36 – 37)


  • Students will learn about oceans, rivers, streams, and lakes.
  • Students will learn each step in the water cycle.

Day 1

Read – Everyday STEM – Geological Maps (p. 26 – 27) and Earthquakes (p. 24 – 25),

Geology for Kids – Earthquakes | Tsunamis (p. 34 – 35)

Watch – What is an Earthquake?

Day 2

Read – Geology for Kids – Earth’s Water | Oceans (p. 39 – 42)

*Scientists have differing views regarding where water comes from. This is a good topic to investigate further and discuss with your student(s).

Watch – Oceans of the World

Day 3

Read – Geology for Kids – Rivers, Streams, Lakes | The Water Cycle (p. 42 – 43)

Watch – The Great Aqua Adventure

Day 4

Activity – Cloud in a Jar Experiment

Geology for Kids

  • Earthquakes | Tsunamis (p. 34 – 35)
  • Earth’s Water | Oceans (p. 39 – 42)
  • Rivers, Streams, Lakes | The Water Cycle (p. 42 – 43)

Everyday STEM Science – Geology

  • Geological Maps (p. 26 – 27)
  • Earthquakes (p. 24 – 25)
  • Cloud in a Jar Experiment – Geology for Kids (p. 44 – 45)


  • Students will learn about types of rocks and minerals.
  • Students will learn about fossils and studying fossils.

Day 1

Read – Geology for Kids – Rocks and Minerals | What is a Mineral? (p. 47 – 49)

Watch – In what ways do you interact with minerals in your daily life?

Activity – Stalactites and Stalagmites Experiment

Day 2

Read – Geology for Kids – What is a Rock? | Igneous Rocks | Sedimentary Rocks | Metamorphic Rocks (p. 50 – 54),
Everyday STEM – Types of Rock – Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic (p. 8 – 9)

Watch – Types of Rock

Day 3

Read – Geology for Kids – Fossils (p. 55),
Everyday STEM – Studying Fossils | Bio Mary Anning (p. 30 – 31) and Life in the Past | Bio Georges Cuvier (p. 32 – 33)

Watch – Mary Anning: Fossil Hunter

Day 4

Activity – Fossil Making Experiment

Geology for Kids

  • Rocks and Minerals | What is a Mineral? (p. 47 – 49)
  • What is a Rock? | Igneous Rocks | Sedimentary Rocks | Metamorphic Rocks (p. 50 – 54)
  • Fossils (p. 55)

Everyday STEM Science – Geology

  • Types of Rock – Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic (p. 8 – 9)
  • Studying Fossils | Bio Mary Anning (p. 30 – 31)
  • Life in the Past | Bio Georges Cuvier (p. 32 – 33)
  • Stalactites and Stalagmites Experiment – Everyday STEM (p. 45)
  • Fossil Making Experiment – Everyday STEM (p. 42)


  • Students will learn about the rock cycle.
  • Students will learn how to identify rocks and minerals.

Day 1

Read – Geology for Kids – The Rock Cycle (p. 56 – 57),
Everyday STEM – Rock Cycle | Plate Tectonics (p. 10 – 11)

Watch – The Rock Cycle | Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Igneous

Activity – Candy Rock Cycle Experiment

Day 2

Read – Geology for Kids – A Guide for Rockhounds | Rock or Mineral? (p. 61 – 64)

Activity – Collect Rocks and Minerals

Day 3

Read – Geology for Kids – Identifying Your Rocks and Minerals (p. 65 – 75)

Watch – Gems, Minerals, Crystals, & Rocks – What’s the Difference?

Activity – Identify Rocks and Minerals in Collection

Day 4

Activity – Grow Your Own Crystals

Geology for Kids

  • The Rock Cycle (p. 56 – 57)
  • A Guide for Rockhounds | Rock or Mineral? (p. 61 – 64)
  • Identifying Your Rocks and Minerals (p. 65 – 75)

Everyday STEM Science – Geology

  • Rock Cycle | Plate Tectonics (p. 10 – 11)
  • Candy Rock Cycle Experiment – Geology for Kids (p. 58 – 59)
  • Collect Rocks and Minerals
  • Identify Rocks and Minerals
  • Grow Your Own Crystals Experiment – Geology for Kids (p. 76 – 77)


  • Students will learn how everyday items are created.
  • Students will learn the process of geoengineering and geophysics.

Day 1

Read – Everyday STEM – Geology in Your Phone (p. 14 – 15) and From Plankton to Plastic | Oil Formation | Refining Crude Oil (p. 16 – 17)

Watch – Young Inventor Makes Bricks from Plastic Trash

Day 2

Read – Everyday STEM – Aluminum Can (p. 18 – 19) and Concrete (p. 20 – 21)

Watch – How Stuff Works – Recycling Aluminum

Day 3

Read – Everyday STEM – Environmental Impact | Bio Zelma Maine Jackson (p. 34 – 35) and Geoengineering (p. 36 – 37)

Watch – What is geoengineering and can it save the planet?

Day 4

Read – Everyday STEM – Geophysics (p. 40 – 41) and Geology in Space (p. 38 – 39)

Watch – Arizona’s Jaw-Dropping Mile-Long Meteor Crater

Activity – Everyday Impact Craters Experiment

Everyday STEM Science – Geology

  • Geology in Your Phone (p. 14 – 15)
  • From Plankton to Plastic | Oil Formation | Refining Crude Oil (p. 16 – 17)
  • Aluminum Can (p. 18 – 19)
  • Concrete (p. 20 – 21)
  • Environmental Impact | Bio Zelma Maine Jackson (p. 34 – 35)
  • Geoengineering (p. 36 – 37)
  • Geophysics (p. 40 – 41)
  • Geology in Space (p. 38 – 39)
  • Impact Craters Experiment – Everyday STEM (p. 43)

